
A place for biblical encouragement and other resources 
I pray will help you grow as a disciple of Jesus. 

It is rainy season again. My friend and I slip and slide down the muddy hill to Masese where we weekly study the word with a group of women who have become so dear to us. Every Tuesday we come, joyful and overflowing, or broken and weary, or anything in between and we don’t have to hide it because these women have become friends. We wear our babies on our hips and we wear each others’ burdens. We break bread together in each others homes and each week we crack open His word desperate for His filling, searching for His wisdom, inquiring together, “What do you have for us, God.”
It is beautiful, when I have eyes to see. It is beautiful, but my heart isn’t prepared for Masese today.
We sit in a circle in the dirt space between falling-apart slum buildings and I scuff the dirt under my sandals and let my mind wander as the women share prayer requests, each of them more devastating than the last. Last week, just two days after I held her baby in this very circle, our friend was poisoned and quickly died. We shake our heads in disbelief and we try to remember the good things she brought to this community without losing hope. But as we continue to share, someone else’s mom is slowly dying of tuberculosis and some else’s daughter was assaulted and far too many people that everyone knows have fallen prey to alcoholism and addiction and we see the way this so quickly destroys the lives around us. And how do we not lose hope, I wonder. I let my mind wander because I am weary. I don’t want to engage in this kind of suffering again today. I live just a few minutes away from here but my life is still so different. My hard looks like teenagers with rolling eyes and fragile hearts that are crushed with a few wrong words or glances. Their hard is rampant disease and rape and murder. I haven’t spent enough time with Jesus and today I just can’t seem to open my heart to that kind of hurt without despair.
I force myself to get down in the dirt and lay my hands on a sick friend and pray. My hand is wet and I realize that she is letting her tears fall, vulnerable, in front of me, in front of our Father. Her hurt is different than mine, but really, it is the same. We are the same. Both just as in need of a Savior as the other. Both willing Him, begging Him to come quickly. I ask Him to open my heart to right here and right now. I ask Him to make Himself known.
We sit in the dirt and let the tears fall. And despite my best efforts to harden myself to the suffering today, Faithful God breaks me, gives me eyes not just to see the pain but to know it intimately. These aren’t just people. These are my friends. These are people I know, people He knows. I know their names, their husbands, their children. He knows each hair on their heads and the deepest cries of our heart.
I allow myself to imagine us in the palm of His hand. I imagine his tenderness as He numbered those hairs, I imagine His hand cupping my face as a Daddy cups the face of His daughter, and I imagine Him looking into these women’s eyes and smiling, delighted in His daughters. I close my eyes and in my mind I hear the voice of my husband as he sits on our bed and strums his guitar, “for mercy for comfort we wait on the Lord,” He sings.
Today I feel like we are just waiting. Today, hope is something we fight for.
A woman I don’t know very well walks by our circle. I have heard stories of her. She sits on the ground against the wall of the little dirt church we meet behind and stares vacantly. Nobody is really sure if she is disabled or if she has just been abused by so many men that she doesn’t talk anymore.
 Another woman who I know well and love dearly stumbles down the hill and nuzzles her head into my shoulder. She lived with us years ago as she recovered from alcoholism and her child recovered from resulting burns, but it is clear how drunk she is as she tries to communicate with me through language barriers and slurred speech. My eyes look into hers, blood-shot red, and I plead with her. She is such a good mother, sober. I ask where her little girl is, trying to remind her that being home alone is how she got so injured last time but she isn’t listening. She kisses my cheeks and stumbles away.
It is just days after they lowered our friend’s body into the ground because she was brutally, intentionally killed. Just a week ago she sat in this circle with us and now her body rots in the ground while we try to figure out who will check on her babies. The women look defeated. I feel defeated.
How do we find the hope of Jesus here? How do we proclaim that He is at work when we just can’t see it?
“Let us see you here, Lord,” I pray it desperately. He answers with Romans 2:8, “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life.” These women, they persist. Against all the odds, when it would be easier to just give up and go ahead and call this place hopeless, they cling to their hope in Jesus and the persist in doing good, they persist in seeking His glory.
I trudge back up the hill with my mind full of questions. God where are you in this mess? Where are you? As I ponder, my foot slips and lands in a mixture that is surely part alcohol and part human waste. I choose to call it mud and begin to sigh, of course. Two strong arms wrap around me from behind and Santina’s laughter fills my ears. She is laughing at me because she knows how distracted I was and of course, of course I stepped in the hole. She pulls my arm and drags me to her home where she pulls off my shoes and scrubs them in a basin of soapy water. Water isn’t an easy thing to come by around here and I can’t believe she is using it on my sandals. She proceeds to wash my feet. She is washing my feet and I want to protest but I think of Jesus. Bent down, towel around His waist, arguing with Peter who just doesn’t understand. He whispers to me, “See? Do you see Me? I am at work here.”
My stubborn heart may not always want to believe it but I know that it is true. He is at work here.
Margaret walks up the hill in front of me still giggling about my feet and my grumpy-ness. Margaret, who I thought would die. Margaret who at 19 years old held her 4 year old and her dead baby and bled and bled all alone in her house with no one to help her and no one to call family. Margaret who moved in just as frail and sick as Katherine or Betty. Margaret who slept on an extra mattress in my room for weeks because I was so afraid of death that the couch seemed too far away. Margaret who lived. She walks up the hill her arms full of necklaces that now provide for her and her little guy, both happy and healthy back at home in this community, and her heart full of God’s Word which she loves to share with others. “I am at work here,” He whispers, again and again. “Can you believe me? Can you believe my promises?”
Of course I do. I read the words of 1 Peter now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. I cannot deny that I have tasted of His goodness. I cannot deny that I have seen and known Him working all things for the good of those who love Him, even the ugly, hard, unspeakable things.
For mercy, for comfort, we wait on the Lord. And He is at work here.
What is too hard today, friends? What is too messy? It is hard to believe sometimes but we can knowthat God is good in that place. We’ve tasted and known His goodness, even in the impossibly hard places. Romans 2 says, “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory honor and immortality, He will give eternal life.”

Persist in doing good, dear one. Persist in resting in and relying on Him. Peace that passes understanding is promised us, and eternal life awaits us!

Waiting on Him

March 10, 2015

  1. AJ says:

    I just recently read your book and came across your blog. Thanks for sharing this. For being vulnerable in the hard. I hear a sermon on Sunday about the man who brought his demon possessed son to Jesus. And how in the midst of the demons response to Jesus by throwing the boy in a worse seizure than he had been in, when the dad is desperate and says “Jesus, if you can do anything, please have compassion on us.” Jess responds “anything is possible to those who believe.” And the sill desperate father, watching his son convulse in front of him, Jesus, and a growing crowd immediately cries out “I believe; help my unbelief!” And how now matter where we on the faith spectrum in our walks with Christ- our cry, our prayer can always be “I believe; help my unbelief!”

  2. Jenny Patton says:

    You have no idea how you just touched my soul with your words. I have been to Uganda, inspired by your book ( and God of course). I have seen some of what you described in the ten days I was there.
    We just moved from tennessee to Salt Lake City to be on mission for God and I was already discouraged by the overwhelming prospect of ministering to Mormons and now my eyes have been opened and my heart strengthened from your words. May the God of peace cover you and all of you working there.

  3. So raw and beautifully written. Thank you, Katie, for always beating your heart so we can all grow.

  4. This brought a tear to my eye this morning. A tear of understanding. Though in a very different culture, having given my whole life into the Lord's service…I have much the same struggle some days…seeing so much need…so much heartache…so many desperate situations, and feeling like a nobody who has no ability to help. And I don't. But I do have Jesus. And I have to continually remind myself that no matter how empty I feel, Jesus can help these people. AND…also, I must remember that my source of strength can only come from sitting at His feet – which is so easy to overlook on days when everything is clamoring for my attention.
    So thank-you for your transparency.
    And just yesterday I was praying, thinking about my own weaknesses, and crying out, “Lord! Please make me a mommy like Katie! I feel so inadequate just trying to be a good mom to my *own* little daughter, in the midst of trying to do the things You set before me each day — let alone being a mommy to others! And yet…I want to! I want to! And I want to radiate your joy and peace to those around me like Katie does.”
    So it actually encourages me to know that, in spite of the radiance of His love through you…there are hard days; there will always be hard days. But He is enough.
    And, can I just say while I'm at it…that my heart has been knit with yours in a really sweet way…and I have been praying that God would make me a worthy fellow servant in the field that He has given me, across the ocean, on a different continent…that we would be kindred in spirit, as we work for Him in our fields. And I know that, had He not put me where I am for such a time as this, I would, in a heartbeat, be over there with you working with these dear ones.
    But, He has given me other dear ones here, equally broken. And I see it more every day.
    May we press on to seek and save the lost and broken ones.
    Tai Sophia

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perspective changes everythingPraying for your ministry…grace and peace to you …

  6. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful! Praying for you and your precious children and your ministry. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME! GOD BLESS YOU.
    Kim in Alabama

  7. Heather says:

    I woke up struggling this morning to see His good hands in my messy situation. But here I am reminded they are there. I see now!

  8. Heather says:

    Ps, it's Romans 2:7.

  9. Sonja says:

    Thank you, Katie! I really needed this today.

  10. Emily Clerk says:

    Katie, thanks so much for sharing. Your words were exactly what I needed to hear this morning. I'm thankful that you are faithfully using the gifts you've been given. You bring me so much faith and encouragement 🙂 It's refreshing to read the words of someone willing to transparently walk through the hard places.

  11. Clays says:

    We all have our different kinds of “hard”. Thank you for the reminder that we need to taste His goodness daily.

  12. Debi Johnson says:

    This post makes my heart hurt for those described and yet is a refreshing balm. We have many hurting around us, I am sending each your post. May we see God today as you've described! Thank you so much for sharing your raw story, and beautiful heart!

  13. Anonymous says:

    You are such and encouragement to those around you near and far. Thank you for sharing this post, it really has helped with what I've been going through. Praying for y'all.

  14. oh thank you thank you Katie! I needed this today. and all the words that I'm trying to say just aren't coming out right so I'll leave it at that. God bless you!

  15. bioengineer says:

    Trying to find the song you mentioned “for mercy for comfort we wait on the Lord”, and can't find it. Maybe it's not a song sung in the states. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  16. Painful and beautiful to read -thanks for sharing your heart, both the good and the difficult!

  17. Alex W says:

    That is such a beautiful encouragement. Thank you. Thank you for shining your light, for being open to what God is teaching you, and for being vulnerable enough to share it with us. God bless you, my friend.

  18. Thank you for sharing. You're right. We all have different kinds of “hard”. And it's important for us to remember that Jesus is with us through every one of them.

  19. George says:

    Amen sister. Praying that He sustains you and your ministry, and ministers to you through your husband and children.

    Isaiah 55:1-3. Psalm 34:7 and Psalm 37:4. He's feeding you through your feeding others. Keep delighting in Him!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Katie…. The foot-washing… I am undone. I don't know how to hug you from so far away as Alabama, but your words are the wind and breath of Christ to me today. Thank you for persisting. I will persist too.

  21. Lori West says:

    I read your writings with both heaviness of heart and also immense joy at what our Savior is doing in your life and the lives of those around you in Uganda. And it helps me to look at my own life in the US and ask God if He is using me as He wishes… if I am yielding to Him with a wholeheartedness, as you are Katie. I loved your book. You are honest, open and have a deep sense of humility and love for Christ. Deeper than your love of life and self. You are an example to me and others of Christ's desire for his followers. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”.

    May God richly bless you, your family and ministry!

  22. KRISTI NOLAND says:

    Thank You Katie, for reminding us that God is always near, even in the worst of times, the most horrible of circumstances..He is with us..
    God Bless you Katie and your people.

  23. Lindsay says:

    I just read this for the second time today. So powerful. Thank you.

  24. Ron Rivet says:

    I needed to hear this. Someone said that if you walk through a children`s cancer ward at a hospital, you will see there is no God. I know God is there and I know it hurts Him to see those children but it still made me think and wonder why. Thank you for sharing your heart. God is so good.

  25. Wonderful, inspiring post!!

  26. Rita Ringner says:

    He is always here – sometimes we just have to look hard – past the distractions, past the overwhelming feelings of failure to see that He still has everything in full control. Always remember – He inhabits the praise of His people. The children of Israel were not just set free from Egypt to be set free only – but to worship Him and to praise Him.

  27. I am so sorry for the achiness in your heart right now. I am sorry for the moments of despair, doubting and “mud.” But as you already have faithfully shown that you know, He is good; always. God bless.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Katie, thank you for sharing your struggles and your joys with us. You have a wonderful gift of writing and communicating. I am continuing to pray for you and your family and all those that you reach. May God bless you all. Carol B. in NJ

  29. How beautifully you write of pure suffering- suffering from the depths of your soul which is affected by those divine souls all around you. Mother Theresa spoke often of the great sorrow she felt and the emptiness from all the hearts aching all around her- all those hearts her hands, like yours, served. May you continue to 'taste and see that God is good- that eye has not seen, nor ear heard, what God has ready for those who love him.' This is the mystery of our faith. The Eucharist reminds us of that. I am praying for you today- God bless your Katie.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Awake, awake, awake my soul – God resurrect these bones…

    Praying for you and the women of Masese

  31. Robin Lee says:

    I am so happy to read this. Please. Keep. Writing.

  32. Amazing! Thank you, it is just what I needed today. God is at work!

  33. Thank you! Your words were just what my weary heart needed today.

  34. Sean says:

    I stumbled onto your blog via a friend. I pray God pours out his strength & hope, peace & love onto you and these women in the midst of their daily struggles and sufferings and your difficult work for his kingdom.

  35. Laura Terra says:

    Thank you Katie for sharing your experiences with the world. Thank you Lord for keeping Katie strong and hopeful in these times of despair. In these times of happiness. Romans 8:28
    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

  36. Laura Terra says:

    Thank you Katie for sharing your experiences with the world. Thank you Lord for keeping Katie strong and hopeful in these times of despair. In these times of happiness. Romans 8:28
    “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

  37. What wonderful encouragement! A single thread of HOPE is a powerful thing'

  38. Anonymous says:

    Thank you. Just thank you. For reminding us all of the weight of sorrows that our faithful God will bear. And how small our eyes are in the midst of far less struggles than these that you speak of. Thank you.

  39. Anonymous says:

    I just wanted to tell you, I am doing a project due tomorrow on you and your journey in Uganda. I read your book twice and love how much you care and love your daughters and the people in your village. I am going to send you pictures of my report.

  40. Alisha Nelson says:

    Oh Katie, I am praying. I do know those days when all you can do is hope for hope, and choose to believe in the face of seemingly nothing good happening. I pray for you and your husband and family and the ministry there every single day – all the way from cold, snowy Montana. I too am going through the “God where ARE You?” time right now. I am standing with you in prayer. You're a blessing to so many. Your story of how you let God use you over there changed my life and I am watching amazed and joyous at seeing it change others lives too. Now, right now, here, all the way over here. I have seen your story change lives just in the past month!! I thank God for you, your life, your sacrifice and your ministry every single day. You may not see it there today, but it IS happening – God is using you in miraculous, amazing ways!! Be blessed sweet sister. We'll all be in heaven one day together and this will be but a dim memory. 🙂

  41. cindy j says:

    thank you so much for posting this, katie! i had just read about peter and Jesus and the footwashing and then sunday that was the pastor's sermon and now this…God has used His love stretching across this entire globe to minister just what i need right now…yes, katie…He is working…in my life, too…\o/

  42. Regina Long says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. You don't know me, but I am praying for you, the Amazima ministry, your family and the people of Masese. I saw your book at the library and felt compelled to read it (I usually read only fiction, except my Bible). It touched me deeply and showed me that I need to love more, serve more. Thank you for “waking me” from my slumber and apathy.

  44. Anonymous says:

    You move me to tears, Katie. Always, always. Thank you for sharing your self with your community. Praise God for you.

    Mary Kay

  45. Anonymous says:

    Wow. Amen.

  46. You don't know me, but I am praying for you, your family, the Amazima ministry, and the people of Masese. I recently went to the library to check out some fiction “fluff” to read. I saw your book instead and felt compelled to read it. I rarely read non-fiction. It “woke me”from my slumber and apathy. It reminded me I need to love and serve daily. Thank you.

  47. Flo. TN says:

    amazing, Katie. When I feel that my life is too hard—here in this blessed country, right in the Bible Belt, I think of the real difficulty of life in countries like your home & any number of other countries where suffering is beyond my comprehension, & I am shaken to my senses. I am also brought to my knees to pray for theses women & give my meager praise to a gracious God for blessing me in ways I will never deserve or understand.

  48. My biological mom died of tuberculosis in 2002.It's hard to loose someone close to you die.If they know God you will be reunited with them in heaven. Thank you Katie for sharing the stories, and being strong to help those in need if you can.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Katie thank you! I really needed to read this today. I am praying that it gets better, and I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet friend, she is in Heaven with Jesus now:)

  50. Cathy says:

    2 Timothy 1:9 “He has saved us and called us to a holy life-not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time…” Dear Katie,
    God has a purpose and a plan for us from before the beginning of time. The really awesome thing about God is that He provided the grace for us to accomplish that purpose before the beginning of time also!!!! Praise God for His grace and his strength which is made perfect in our weakness!

  51. Sandy Alger says:

    Oh Katie. I have followed your journey for years… awed by the faith that you possess. I look at your life and I wonder at the goodness of God… at HIS faithfulness to you and your little family. You encourage me today. Everytime, really. Each blog that you put into words blesses me. Today I am discouraged. No, I don’t live in the conditions you do….surrounded by the pain and hardness…so I ask myself when reading your blog….how do I have the right to be discouraged? How do I have the right to be sad and lowly of heart? I am lonely, though. I am not alone, but I am lonely. I am grumpy…and I have a bad attitude. And then I read. Your blog. And my heart is encouraged….that God is there. That He knows my heart…my hurts…my sadness…my loneliness. And I remember that there is hope for my future. Again. And I thank God for you…and your heart….even in the times of YOUR discouragement…because you always remember to look up…and you always remind me that He is there. Loving me. Waiting …for me to remember. He used you , yet again today. Thank you, sweet girl, for your words. Words of hope. Words of love. Words that I will go to bed and ponder….and wake up tomorrow morning remembering that He is there. And that He loves me. Even me.

  52. Kim Boynton says:

    A friend of a friend posted a link to this post on Facebook tonight. In 2007 & 2008 my husband and I spent two weeks in Uganda with Trinity Center for World Missions and our hearts are forever tied to the beautiful land and people of Uganda. This post made me weep. I've been watching a friend's posts this week as she traveled to Karamoja from Kampala and it has made my heart ache for Uganda. Lord, thank you for drawing us–even in our weakest state–to your heart. Keep us leaning on you for our breath.

  53. Sarah Ternes says:

    Thank you Katie for reminding us, just as He reminded you.

  54. Aileen says:

    Thank you, Katie. Another timely post at a time when I needed a reminder. Thank you and God bless you and your family.

  55. So glad He met you there. Thank you Katie.

  56. Fabienne says:

    I wanted to thank you for keeping it real. Sometimes in our Christian walk, there is mess all around us, and we step in mess. We struggle to understand why the suffering goes on; how evil seems to win that day's battle. The Lord recently gave me Psalm 77 as a reminder that when I get bogged down with pain of the day, I am to remember His (many) miracles of long ago (or as recently as yesterday). I will continue to pray victory over evil, I will remember how the Lord has conquered evil in the past, I will worship the One I know wins the war on evil in the end. And I will continue to shed tears with those around me who are suffering in the moment. Thank you again.

  57. Thank you. Just thank you.

  58. Amber Lee says:

    Praying for you Katie!! I love reading your posts. God is def working whether we can see it or not. God bless you!

  59. Roelien says:

    Thank you Katie. What an inspiration you are.I'm a missionary in Indonesia. just started language learning.On 6mth and it still hard. I havent even started where you are. I'm humbled.

  60. Wendy Nelson says:

    Thank you Katie for sharing the real and rawness of the life you live. I am undone this morning reading about it! May our gracious Heavenly Father continue to give you strength for the life he has called you to. My prayers are with you!

  61. Wendy Nelson says:

    Thank you Katie for sharing the real and rawness of your life. I am Undone reading about it this morning! I am praying that our heavenly father will give you great strength for the life he has called you to live. My prayers are with you.

  62. Anonymous says:

    As I read this post, two verses that I read this morning in my time quite time came to mind. Psalms 103:13&14 “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.” Praying for you and the work God has called you to.

  63. Maarit says:

    Zach 9:11-12''As for you also, because of the blood of my covenant with you, i will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Reutrn to your stronghold, o prisoners of hope; today i declare that i will restore to you double.''

    I thought of you today, Katie, when reading that verse (no, you don't know me, i just read your blog). You once wrote that we are prisoners of hope. That's so beautiful, sister.

  64. Lucy says:

    I'm so thankful to see you are blogging again. Your words never fail to renew my faith and turn my eyes to Jesus!

  65. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Katie–and thank you, God!

  66. Chris Davis says:

    True words…Thank you for the encouragement…May you be encouraged by all who are praying for you and your ministry…

  67. Rosalind says:

    You are not alone, Katie! As Paul speaks to in 2 Cor 1 Christ gives us comfort that flows from one to another. You are joined with a body of believers lifting you, these precious woman, the persecuted, poor and fatherless up in prayer and petition to our Father! That may seem like not enough when you are faced with such raw hardship, but be comforted in the fact that when you are downtrodden, your brothers and sisters are standing with you on mission for the gospel. God has blessed us with a body of believers, hand in hand moving forward for the gospel. Thank you to our Heavenly Father for His faithfulness, His grace, and your obedience to choose Him, over and over again. Praying for strength to persevere!

  68. Becky Selent says:

    Thank you Katie for being very real in your book and your blog. May God bless you for the love and compassion you lavish upon others. Your story has greatly impacted me and I find myself drawn to something greater, someone greater through your words. I truly admire you for the work you have done for others yes, but even more so the love and devotion that you have for the Father. Your writings prompt me to go deeper and to pursue Him in a greater measure. God bless you and cause His face to shine upon you!

  69. Avery DeWolf says:

    Thank you for this post! My friend recently committed suicide, and I've been struggling to see the hope in the midst of the despair. Your post reminded me that even though I feel beaten by the enemy, He is so purely present!

  70. Avery DeWolf says:

    Thank you for this post! My friend recently committed suicide, and I've been struggling to see the hope in the midst of the despair. Your post reminded me that even though I feel beaten by the enemy, He is so purely present!

  71. Megan Ann says:

    May God Bless you, your words, your family! He is truly Amazing and Always at work even when we are weary and cannot see it.

  72. Vivienne says:

    He truly is transforming us,we His bride who long for Him more than our next breath. He is faithful! He is unveiling us! Joy does come in the morning. He who has no end and no beginning is all we need. Every cell of us cries out for He who made us to bring us into a new day and a new breakthrough.
    May all that He has planned for your good; to give you a HOPE and a future, come to fruition as you wait on Him.
    You are a beautiful daughter of the Most High God! May you walk more boldly in your identity.

  73. Amy Bridges says:

    As you encourage us, may you & your loved ones be encouraged 100 fold.

    As you speak life and choose it abundantly, may you & yours live it in the glory of our King.

    As you push through the hurt & seemingly unconquerable trials, may Yeshua hold you close, supernaturally protect you & yours, & comfort you & all whom you touch.

    You are doing a mighty work, Katie! You are willing to do something most are not BECAUSE of the seemingly insurmountable hopelessness. Keep standing strong, as I know you are. You are 1 of many The Lord is raising up in this hour. Hugs from our family to yours in Carrollton, Georgia.

  74. Anonymous says:

    Your life is an inspiration to so many! Praise Jesus for being the lady He made you to be and not wanting to be anyone else! I am in Uganda for work and was hoping I could come visit Jinja this weekend to be encouraged and to encourage others in Him. My email is Would that be possible?

  75. Anne Worms says:

    Dear Katie,
    I read your book and discovered your story a few months ago and i was deeply moved by it. It really changed my fearful heart, reading you reminded me how nothing is impossible for God. I'm French and i was sad that most of my friends could not read your book. I would feel so blessed to be able to translate it to French because i'd like everyone around me to read that beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness and of your journey with Him and with Ugandan people. I don't know if the book is already being translated to French but if not i'm asking your permission to do it. Thank you for sharing your journey and for blessing me trought it. Be abundantly blessed you, your family and your ministry. Anne Worms

  76. Deb Crape says:

    COLOSSIANS 1 comes to mind for you after reading your post Katie.
    Yes it over whelming at times and I know your heart is so soft with Grace and the Love of Jesus and your community family & friends. It is the fragments of Jesus that surrounds you daily. I Will be praying for all of you daily. That the peace of Jesus can heal the heart ache of your community.
    Thank you so much for being so real with us with your blog. I have asked for my fiend in my church community to be real and they have such a hard time sharing. I know it was hard to share but refreshing to see how Jesus is maturing you and your family and friends there in Uganda. So honored to intercede for all of you:)

  77. Pat Pan says:

    I'm from Singapore. I've been attending BSF for a number of years & have been wondering why the great people in the Old Testament always forget God's goodness to them.

    Then thru the studies I learnt that though God communicated with them but there were times according to His will He waited for the right moment to act & that explained the long silence.

    Your posts helped me to understand the struggles of the great people like Moses, Elijah, Job, even the Psalmist etc.,

    You have added the heartaches, desperation, hopelessness, doubts, joy, insecurity, chaos, brokenness, the overwhelming pain that creates a momentary blindness & sometimes I can even visualize the sound effect too.

    Your sharing simply make the bible stories come alive. Thank you for your sharing & may God bless you richly:)

  78. Anonymous says:

    “In the word and prayer there is a balm for every wound.” -Matthew Henry

    May you find these verses to be encouraging when sorrows of this world swell in your midst. I am encouraged by your perseverence and am uniting in prayer with you.

    Habakkuk 1:2-5, Habakkuk 3:17-18

  79. Katie,

    I just finished reading your book. May God continue to give you strength in your ministry of love to the people of Uganda. Praying for you and your family.

    Robert Perricone
    San Francisco, CA

  80. Megan says:

    Thank you for sharing your life, Katie. You are in my prayers.

  81. Written so beautifully I could feel the agony and hopelessness of the situation but also the hope that Jesus is still there and will never leave us, all we have to do is trust Him even in our darkest hour.

  82. Sarita Hartz says:

    Thanks for all your beautiful words of resting in God. You're such an encouragement to so many. After spending six years in Gulu, Uganda, I'm still learning to rest in God. I write a blog about these struggles and have written one on how to avoid missionary burnout that I hope you will read. Keep resting in Him! xo

  83. Flo Sarigianis says:

    Katie, for 4 weeks I have been sitting, recovering from a foot surgery. Near me is a an open box and on top of the box and overflowing over it, are beautiful, colorful necklaces made from the blessed women of Uganda. I ordered these necklaces recently from Amazina. They are ready to be given to my daughters, Goddaughters and a few close friends, however I can't give them yet. So,everyday I look at these necklaces. I am humbled to think these were made by women who want to make a better way for themselves and their families and that by touching them I am somehow connected. Please tell them they are remembered and prayed for 1/2 a world away in CT. Please tell them how I appreciate the time and work it took to make these necklaces and how beautiful they are. I look forward to wearing them and have people ask where they do they come from. Please tell them I will pray for them and their children everytime I wear them. Tell them and I tell you we are all God's children and even though we are far away you and they are not forgotten.I read your blog and pray the Lord strengthen you, your husband and your daughters. Flo Sarigianis

  84. Anonymous says:

    Dear Katie,
    Reading about the faith of George Muller, I was reminded of you. Take heart, Precious one. May Jesus give you the eyes to see that those who are for you are more than those who are against you.
    Peace be with you
    from Le from South Africa

  85. Cindy says:

    Ahhhh….life is too hard. Suffering and torment are too hard. I try and I try to see any good coming out of it, but I don't yet. I haven't yet. But with you, I can say that I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. I have tasted and seen that in the past. But it's been a really long time since then. With tears streaming down my face (so often), I thank you for the good words of Romans 2, for the encouragement to persist in doing good and to wait for the hope that is promised me. Love you dearly, and if I weren't in such a pit right now, I would attempt to bear your burdens with you more. It seems the most I can do is cry, and just be thankful that God has given you a new husband who can be that shoulder and that encouragement to you in the incredibly hard things you encounter. Hugs and love.

  86. Katie Hughes says:

    My 9 year old daughter and I are coming to Uganda in July of this year to serve children there. My mother-in-law has been there before and we are accompanying her this year to help with a type of “VBS” for the children there. My daughter, Madalyn, has never even been on a plane but when my mother-in-law asked we both knew we wanted to go. God has already blessed our “yes”. I can not fully grasp and can not even begin to help her grasp how this trip will change our lives and what is in store for us and those children. We are both so excited to serve. In preparation, I came across your book. I ordered it and we began reading it together today. We've only gotten through Chapter One but it has already been a blessing. We will be praying for you as we prepare for our trip to your beloved country. Please also remember us and be praying for our trip too.
    Thank You for serving Jesus and showing LOVE to those in need!

  87. I am praying for all the women you meet in this awful, beautiful, difficult, wonderful opportunity God has blessed you with. Philippians 1:29 “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.”

  88. Hey Katie! I was just wondering what your testimony was, and why it wasn't on your blog or on the website. Please don't let this come across wrong or arrogant, I was just wondering.

  89. Anna Cronin says:

    I first got your book as a Christmas present about 2-3 years ago. My family got it for me because it is on my bucket list to go to Africa to work in an orphanage. If I could I would adopt every child I could!
    I am contacting you because that dream will finally be a reality!! I will be in Kyarusozi and working at a clinic as a nurse in Kirinda. We are able to take trips to other places while we are there (May 21-July 9) and I and other nursing major would love to meet up with you and meet you if possible. You are my spiritual role model and to know that I will be able to see and do what you do gives me goosebumps. If it doesn't work for us to meet up than please pray for me in my spiritual journey!


  90. SUE AGNEW says:

    Thank you for that encouraging word. I cannot fathom the abuse and heartache these women face daily; but it is a comfort to know that God looks and my trials; so frivolous in comparison, and still has grace and compassion on me.

  91. Anonymous says:

    We mormons are Christians and believe in our Savior jesus christ. He is my redeemer and has saved me over and over again. We can all be ministered to but don't think we are unbelievers. Quite the opposite. God bless.

  92. Kelly Miller says:

    I just started reading your book today. I'm only in chapter one and can already tell you this book is going to change me. You are such an inspiration. The work you are doing in Uganda is not just hard work, but it is Gods work and the people of Uganda need you. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring others to do the work of Jesus.

  93. Nicole L. says:

    Katie, thank you so much for sharing your feeling and thoughts. I know most of us here in the U.S. can't even imagine the kind of struggles you see on a daily basis. I have been praying for you and continue to pray for you and your family. Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses.

  94. Wonderfully written. Thank you. I wish I could hold your arms up for you just like Moses had done for him. Please know I try to hold them up with prayer.

  95. Darlene says:

    I pray for you everyday Katie because you had the courage and love to step forward. Something that so many of us would love to do, but didn't have the courage to do. May God bless you every step of the way. I was so happy when God brought a man to you to be your husband. What a blessing for you! We love you with a Christian love.

  96. Anonymous says:

    I have just started reading your messages and really enjoy them, however, it's really difficult for me to see them on a dark background. Would you all consider putting your beautiful messages on something lighter? My eyes are old. 😉

  97. Anonymous says:

    Ah, our Father is so gracious in reminding our hearts repeatedly of His goodness. Goodness in the midst of pain, goodness in the abundant blessings He pours into our lives, and always the goodness of His presence. I am thankful for peace that goes beyond understanding and His Spirit to revive my heart when I feel overwhelmed. Thank you for sharing. Pain and joy have been intermingling in my life and I need the reminders to lift my eyes above these things to the One who holds us all.

  98. Anonymous says:

    Hello, Katie, Our family read most of your Kisses book several years ago, and I have not tracked with you, but prayed for you as God brought you to mind. Tonight I wondered if you had married! Of course, it would have been fine if you had not, but I always thought that a husband to support you, and you him, and a father for your children would be such a gift from the Lord! And there you are, a married woman! God gave you exactly one of the things your heart surely longed for, as scary as it was to hope . . . as scary as it was to not hope: a man in love with God and in love with Uganda as well! And living near by to boot! May your marriage indeed be on earth showing that it was made in heaven! It won't be perfect, but a match made in heaven means perfect for each other! Thank you for sharing the hard and the joys. JLW

  99. Oh how I needed this today, sweet sister. Our nonprofit works with 177 children in 4 countries and it's just my husband and I. Today it just felt messy and hopeless and overwhelming and exhausting and lonely. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for this reminder full of beautiful truth.

  100. Read your book, love your challenge.

  101. Janet Anderson says:

    Thank you for your beautiful writing that is so truthful and honest. It spoke and touched me deeply. My word for the year is persevere. Your post encouraged me to stay on the path and keep stepping with Jesus:)


  102. Katie, your life…such an inspiration. May the Lord continue to bless you, your children, your husband, and all that he has put on your heart to serve. I simply say…Thank you!

  103. Katie I am only ten years old and I want to meet you more than anything else in the world. I did mission work in japan two years ago and I want to go next to Uganda and meet you and your wonderful, beautiful daughters. Thank you for being inspiring to me in my life greatly

  104. Anonymous says:

    I think as Mormons you don't believe that Jesus is God as well as man. And that He is equal to God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Am I right?

  105. Katie, I have read your book and have started to read your blog. I also have recently visited Uganda for my first time. I can relate to your stories so much more now. It is incredible the work that God is doing through you in the lives of people who need God in their life. God has given me a heart for Uganda and I hope to move their after I graduate from college. Your story has inspired my whole family and I thank you for that. May God bless you and your ministry.

  106. Zuzu Lake says:

    Katie, I am a thirteen year old girl who has read your book about 20 times. You continue to be a wonderful inspiration to me. I love you with all my heart and you the most amazing person I know:) By the way, I am from Tennessee and have visited and been to where you used to live many times. We were going to go to Ecuador for missions work, (I have 6 siblings) but then we had a situation with TTS, a difficult twin situation. You have helped me get through all this.

  107. eWe says:

    Katie: I love what you do and I wish that I could meet you and learn from you even more as I have in your book. You are so inspiring to me and I feel like i am in the journey with you and i have learned to be more like Christ in your book.

  108. Katie, I would like to email you personally and not leave a public comment on this blog. How can I do that? Can you send me your email address? I just finished reading your book and it was very inspirational as my family and I are embarking on a similar process right now.

  109. Yes we believe he is equal to God the father and the Holy Spirit.

  110. Belinda Solomon says:

    Dear Katie, thank you for this encouragement today. I really needed it. God knows! … to believe that God is at work – even in the mess of our lives. I have had a particularly messy week and needed this perspective. God bless you! Belinda from South Africa

  111. Gloria Hertz says:

    Dear Katie,did not know where to write to
    You so thought I could leave a message here and hopefully you will contact me in return.
    I was moved by your book KISSES from KATIE and wonder if I can contribute towards
    helping with the children in the school by
    Supplying some shoes for them .
    They are called [THE SHOES THAT GROW]
    look at[]
    I would be happy to organise and pay for shoes [200] pairs for the children .these shoes
    come from a non profit organisation who make the shoes for children who are in need who are all over the globe
    Our Father gives all of us jobs to do and mine
    Seems to be in helping kids have shoes that
    protect their feet from disease this is my love to them .
    May your work in UGANDA continue with
    growing love .
    Gloria Hertz

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